CWMUN NewYork 2024 Experience

Newspaper News!The project I was involved in has been published in the Gazzetta del Sud.


About It


Myself and other students from Verona Trento decided to apply for the scholarship offered by the Diplomatic Association; this scholarship allows selected candidates, chosen through an interview, to participate in the Change the World Model United Nations (CWMUN).

What is CWMUN

CWMUN is an international program attended by over 10,000 students worldwide each year eager to discuss the main topics of the international political agenda. CWMUN is the largest international youth forum on the planet, currently held in New York City, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Paris, Singapore, and Rome. The experience is designed for young people who want to change the world and improve themselves.

Our Destination

We chose New York as our destination because it is the best and most suggestive but also the most numerous in terms of participants to experience the best possible experience. We have been assigned, in groups of two, to various available delegations distributed in the UN commissions, each dealing with a different topic (UNESCO, ECOSOC, UNOOSA, etc.).

Conference Objective

The purpose of the conference is to build collaborations with other countries to create a large commission to create the working paper, which is the document where the main issues and those encountered during the conference and their possible solutions are written. The collaborations must obviously have diplomatic coherence, i.e., they must follow the recurring relations between states (for example, Russia and the United States could not collaborate as they do not share the same ideas).

Experience Benefits

This experience shapes you, not only in speaking English but also in relating to other people both diplomatically within the conference and informally outside with people from various cultures.